It's set and forget as all file/folder icon associations are applied globally. The customized icons are stored within the "Icons" folder of the XYPlorer directory while the list of customized file/folder patterns as well as which particular icon to point to are stored within XYplorer. No extra files are created like with other programs that place an icon in each directory. You can customize an infinite number of icons for an infinite number of files and/folders or even just a single one based on what ever combination you want. Your customer voice is listened to and taken seriously, most of the time you get instant feedback, and your wish might actually get implemented sooner than you’d think.Add a custom icon to a set of files or folders based on file type, location, name (or part of name) for example: all files named XYplorer to have 'icon x' or all folders that contain the word XYplorer in the name to have 'icon y', size, date, name length, path etc. This ranges from fonts and colors to custom toolbar buttons and even file icons and program associations. You can fine-tune the app to look and behave exactly as you want it. Even beginners can benefit from this feature since many ready-to-use scripts are available in the forum. No plugins needed, scripts run out-of-the-box. Individual solutions for individual tasks. Numerous usability enhancements in an attractive interface help to streamline your workflow and increase your efficiency. XYplorer has been designed to make you faster. On top of this you get tabsets and dual pane. The tabs remember their configuration individually and across sessions. Drag them around, hide them, lock them, name them, or drop files onto them. Tabs let you switch between folders most easily. Take it with you and start it from a USB stick. It doesn’t require any installation, stores all configuration data in the application data folder, and running it doesn’t change your system or registry. It’s fast and light, it’s innovative, and it’s portable. It features tabbed browsing, a powerful file search, a versatile preview, a highly customizable interface, optional dual pane, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server