See the entire Alexa Chung for Madewell collection. "I added ribbons in the hair-it's inspired by the English schoolgirl and that's way we looked!" But most of all, Thanksgiving is a time for eating and you'd be hard-pressed to find. Once in a safe house in Bensenville, Illinois, Hamm was placed in a sparsely furnished room with boarded windows and forced to sign four separate ransom notes. "I liked that amp#91 Madewellamp#93 is not too pricey." Her real-girl attitude is what makes her so style so enviable, but it's also about the personal touches. Thanksgiving is a time for mingling with family, catching up with old friends, and posing for pictures. Good-naturedly, Hamm assured the criminals that he was the man they were looking for, but the gang continued to panic until they found Hamm’s name on the tailor’s labels in his coat. ASIDE has an informal, young and standard tone of voice that could he found on social media and among youngsters, which is used in order to interact with its target market. But even she'll admit not all her ideas are fashionable: "I did try to make a denim leotard and it turned out so bad we had to axe it." As for choosing Madewell over all the other labels clamoring for her stylish eye, Chung took a down-to-earth approach. Image transcription text Tone: The two online fashion retailers belong to different levels of fashion hierarchy, and therefore they.r use different words and have a different approach to customers. "This is a pretty selfish collection- it's basically everything I want to wear, things that make your friends go, 'Oh, where did you get that?' It's also inspired by a lot of vintage pieces I own that I wanted to tweak," Chung told us. For Alexa Chung's debut collection for Madewell, presented at the Bowery Hotel, the stylish Brit modeled brown velvet hot shorts ("a control top tight is the key!") and a white silk blouse from her new line. Busca millones de imágenes de Mujer hamaca de alta calidad a precios muy económicos en el banco de imágenes 123RF.